The Week of November 17 at CTS & FLC

How should Christians think about God’s power, granting wars, earthquakes, plagues, injustice, and strife even within families? This coming Sunday the gospel holds these examples of human suffering next to the word of Christ, who will save us.

SUNDAY:  November 17
Cinnamon Roll Sunday
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
1 pm – Slavic Worship

MONDAY: November 18
7 pm – Quilt Guild in Fireside Room

TUESDAY: November 19
1:30 pm – CTS Women’s Bible Study at CTS
3:30 pm – CTS Worship Committee
4:30 pm – CTS Task Force

WEDNESDAY: November 20

THURSDAY: November 21
9 am – FLC Quilting
Noon – Wayne County Ministers Meet
7 pm – Slavic Worship

FRIDAY: November 22
Office Closed

SATURDAY: November 23

NEXT SUNDAY:  November 24
Thankoffering Sunday
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – FLC Special Congregation Meeting
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
Noon – CTS Special Congregation Meeting
1 pm – Slavic Worship

2 pm – Homestead Service
3 pm – CNRC Service

A Special congregational meeting will be held on SUNDAY, November 24 at FLC at 10 am and at CTS at NOON to issue a call to a recommended candidate and to approve the offer of compensation.  Please attend if you are able.        

The Week of November 10 at CTS & FLC

All the texts for this Sunday transport the hearers to God’s eternal heaven and the coming of Christ, with life and death pulling on our ears and hearts.  Talking about heaven is difficult because we cannot fathom what it is like, but in today’s gospel Jesus doesn’t shy away from the subject.  To our many questions about what the afterlife will be like, Jesus speaks about the Lord as the God of the living. All believers, those alive and those dead, are alive in God. Come to worship, to receive this good news.

SUNDAY:  November 10
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – Executive Committee at FLC
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
1 pm – Slavic Worship
6 pm – Lutheran Adult Fellowship

MONDAY: November 11
2 pm – Laplanders Quilt Guild at CTS
6:30 pm – Council at FLC

TUESDAY: November 12
8 am – Breakfast Gals
9 am-3 pm: Weighted Blanket Making at CTS

WEDNESDAY: November 13

THURSDAY: November 14
9 am – FLC Quilting
1 pm – Women of the ELCA
7 pm – Slavic Worship

FRIDAY: November 15
9-11 am: CCC at CTS
Office Closed
Newsletter Deadline

SATURDAY: November 16

NEXT SUNDAY:  November 17
Cinnamon Roll Sunday
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
1 pm – Slavic Worship

The Week of November 3 at CTS & FLC

Who are the saints, and what do they have to say to us? Rather than being perfect Christians, the saints are people who have been made whole by the grace of God, through baptism into Christ. The communion of saints is a diverse array of witnesses who remind us of God’s continuing faithfulness, past, present, and future. In the picture painted by the gospel reading from Luke, the saints challenge us to embody the surprising, world-reversing ways of the reign of God.  God has made into saints all who have been baptized into Christ, and on the festival of All Saints Day we honor especially those saints who have died in the faith. Their names may be unknown and their lives generally forgotten, but we sing our thanks that they are now held in God.

SUNDAY:  November 3
All Saints Sunday
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
1 pm – Slavic Worship

MONDAY: November 4
6 pm – Council

TUESDAY: November 5
10 am – FLC Worship Committee
11:30 am – Lucas Co. ICC at Chariton Presbyterian
1:30 pm – CTS Women’s Bible Study at CTS

WEDNESDAY: November 6
1:30 pm – Prayer Shawl Ministry at FLC

THURSDAY: November 7
9 am – FLC Quilting
6 pm – Council
7 pm – Slavic Worship

FRIDAY: November 8
Office Closed

SATURDAY: November 9

NEXT SUNDAY:  November 10
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
10:15 am – Executive Committee
1 pm – Slavic Worship
6 pm – Lutheran Adult Fellowship

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