At First Lutheran Church and Christ the Servant, we believe service and outreach are vital for any community attempting to follow Christ. We hope to fill up with God’s love in order to spill it out into our community. We serve out of abundance, not obligation. In this process, we meet Christ in those we serve, and are open to being dramatically changed through the relationships we build and the lives we encounter. This life-giving activity takes many forms, including:
- Quilting Ministry
- Bread Bakers
- Support of Ministries in the Southeastern Iowa Synod, including
- Lutheran Services in Iowa
- Campus Ministry
- Mission Congregations
- Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and Wartburg Seminary
- ELCA Colleges and Universities
- Stewardship and Property Care
- Interchurch Council of Lucas County, Iowa
- Food Bank
- Ministry Center
- CROP Walk
- Wayne County Ministerial Association
- Support of Ministry in Haiti