Today’s gospel evokes our sympathy. It opens the possibility—described as an impossibility—of place-sharing, trading or sharing places with each other. Pastor Sally preaches and presides at our healing service this Sunday. The Gospel she will proclaim in Word, story, laying on of hands, and sharing Jesus’ invitation to come and eat, echoes a common theme: the pursuit of wealth in this world can lead us into idolatry and away from faith in Christ.
Pastor Sally always preaches the Gospel, yet relies on the other readings, such as the reading from 1 Timothy. That reading reminds us, we should pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness, so that there is no “poor man named Lazarus” dying at our gates. After all, the greatest treasure—our eternal salvation has already been procured for us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Knowing this, we can share all we have with our neighbors, even our very place and salvation, confident that God will continue to provide for our needs. And hear this ultimate proclamation – whether through healing prayers, song, gathering at the table, staring out the window or leaving worship to attend to something else more important, God loves each one of us as if each of us was the only person to love. Jesus gave his life for us out of very personal love. The Holy Spirit keeps us together and in that love forever. Amen.
SUNDAY: September 29
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
1 pm – Slavic Worship
MONDAY: September 30
TUESDAY: October 1
10 am – FLC Worship Committee at FLC
1:30 pm – CTS Women’s Bible Study at CTS
6 pm – ICC Annual Banquet
at Chariton Presbyterian Church
WEDNESDAY: October 2
1:30 pm – Prayer Shawl Ministry at FLC
THURSDAY: October 3
9 am – FLC Quilting
7 pm – Slavic Worship
FRIDAY: October 4
Office Closed
SATURDAY: October 5
NEXT SUNDAY: October 6
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
1 pm – Slavic Worship
Jesus: Old, New, & Now
One Day Bible Study at FLC
Saturday, October 12, from 9 am – 3:30 pm
Featuring Dr. Mark Mattis and
Dr. Ken Sundet Jones
Authors and Professors of Religion at Grand View University
All are invited!! $5.00 cost includes lunch and snacks
Please contact Del Kray (515-360-5936) if you can join us on this day.
We will be discussing amending the budget to
include possible parking lot improvements.