WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY, October 8 9 am – Chariton Worship & Sunday School 11 am – Corydon Worship 10:30 am – Radio Broadcast on KIIC Radio – 96.7 FM Albia |
FIRST LUTHERAN WOMEN OF THE ELCA will be hosting Cluster 9 Fall Gathering on Saturday, October 7. Registration begins at 8:30 am with the program at 9 am. LAPLANDERS QUILT GUILD AT CTS will meet on Monday, October 9 beginning at 2 pm. FLC COUNCIL MEETING on Monday, October 9 at 6:30 pm. BREAKFAST GALS will meet at 8 am on Tuesday, October 10 at Hardees. “SHARING THE WEIGHT” BLANKET MAKING will take place on Tuesday, October 10 from 9 am-3 pm at CTS. “THE STORY” DISCUSSION GROUP will be meeting on Wednesday, October 11 at 10 am. CONFIRMATION CLASS will be held on Wednesday, October 11 at 2 pm. THE WOMEN OF THE ELCA will gather on Thursday, October 12, at 1:00 pm at First Lutheran. LUTHERAN ADULT FELLOWSHIP will meet on Sunday, October 15 at 5 pm. Earl and Linda Comstock will be hosts. Please bring an item to share. “THE STORY” DISCUSSION GROUP will be meeting on Wednesdays, at 10 am. Everyone is welcome to attend! The discussion will align with the previous Sunday’s sermon. YOUTH SUNDAY WILL BE OCTOBER 22 at First Lutheran. Plan to attend the worship service. Ava Krutsinger will be sharing her trip to Alaska as the message that morning and other youth will be assisting ministers. REMEMBERING ALL GOD’S SAINTS. On Sunday, November 5, we will remember all God’s saints. In the prayers that day, we will remember all those who have died since All Saints Sunday 2022. If you have a family member or close friend that you would like to include in this remembrance, please notify Susan in the church office via a note, email, or call before November 1. “NOISY OFFERINGS” WILL CONTINUE to be taken on Sundays. Please consider bringing your loose change to church and “noisily” depositing it in the pot!! OCTOBER IS PERSONAL HYGIENE MONTH at the Ministries Center. Examples would be bath and hand soap, feminine hygiene products, shampoo, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, band-aids, and hand lotion. Please consider helping with this ministry! RADIO BROADCAST SPONSORS ARE FILLED FOR 2023! If you would like to sponsor a broadcast for 2024, please call the church office. (641-774-4875) With three members in care facilities, the broadcast brings our worship to those, plus we have listeners all across southern Iowa. Sponsorships are $35. THE RADIO BROADCAST OF PASTOR HUTTON’S SERMONS WILL BE AN ONGOING MINISTRY OF FIRST LUTHERAN and CHRIST THE SERVANT Ways to listen – every Sunday morning at 10:30 am: * KIIC Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia * The radio stations website: kiicradio.com (click on the “Listen Live” button) * If you miss the broadcast on Sunday, you can also catch it as a podcast on the church’s website: firstlutheran-christtheservant.org THANK YOU for your support of this ministry!! THANK YOU TO SPONSORS OF OUR WEEKLY RADIO BROADCAST! |