The Week of November 14 at CTS & FLC


9 am – Chariton Worship
             Sunday School at FLC 

10 am- Sunday School at CTS 
11 am – Corydon Worship
2 pm- Homestead Service
3 pm- Chariton Care Initiative Service 

10:30 am – Radio Broadcast on KIIC
                Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia

OUR LOYAL SERVANTS CELEBRATION: is this Sunday November 14, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at FLC and 11:00 at CTS as we honor our loyal servants 80 year olds and beyond.  We have been blessed to have so many loyal and faithful servants.  We have 21 at FLC and at CTS.   A dessert bar will follow the service at FLC and a potluck will follow the service at CTS. 
Please join us in congratulating our members!

CALLING ALL BACON LOVERS!!! You are all invited to Ottumwa’s Bacon-Fest “Bacontown.” Bring your family for a fun outing this Saturday November 13 from 11a-7p at Bridge View in Ottumwa. Free admission, kid games and live music. 

CTS WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will meet on Tuesday, November 16 at CTS. 

NOVEMBER IS BABY MONTH for the Ministry Center.  Examples would be diapers, baby wipes, diaper cream, any baby items. Thank you!

THE MINISTRY CENTER IS IN NEED OF ½ gallon milk bottles, pancake mix, syrup, cereal, cake mix, pork and beans, corn and chili beans. They can be left at First Lutheran. Thank you! 

THE SNOW REMOVAL SIGN-UP SHEET is posted on the bulletin board in the Fireside Room at FLC. Please check your schedule to see when you may be able to help with this ministry!

SALVATION ARMY KETTLE: If you are interested in ringing the Salvation Army Bell please contact Patti Bisgard. 

SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE: is working on our congregation’s annual hats and mittens project for the Headstart children. Last year, due to Covid, we presented the teachers with a monetary donation from our budget, along with many individual contributions from the congregation. The teachers were able to order the correct sizes for each of their students. It worked out well! And they were very appreciative! This year we will be giving them a Thrivent gift card. They will do their own ordering again this year. If you would like to contribute to this gift, please make checks payable to SCICAP and on the memo line of your check please write Lucas County Headstart, and your give your contribution to LuAnn Mosbach. Thank you! – LuAnn, Jean, and Allison.

THANNKOFFERING SUNDAY: will be Sunday, November 21, the Women of the ELCA will once again present their Thankofferings that will be sent to the Women of the ELCA of America to support their programs.  Our offerings are given to represent the many good times and/or things we have been blessed with this past year.  If you write a check for your Thankoffering, please make the check out to The Women of the ELCA.

THERE ARE STILL SPOTS REMAINING TO TEACH SUNDAY SCHOOL at FLC during the Gospel/Sermon time of the worship service (20 min). 
 The lesson titles will be available the next few Sundays on a clipboard.  Sign up now before the spots are taken!!  Thanks to all of you for the commitment of your time to our youth!  If you need more info, please call Angie Dachenbach 641-340-1196 or LuAnn Mosbach 641-774-6793.

Ways to listen – every Sunday morning at 10:30 am:
*  KIIC Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia
*  The radio stations website: (click on the “Listen Live” button)
*  If you miss the broadcast on Sunday, you can also catch it as a podcast on the church’s website:
THANK YOU for your support of this ministry!! 

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPONSER A WEEKLY BROADCAST for any occasion, an anniversary, a birthday, in memory or honor of someone, or some other reason, we invite you to consider giving a gift to sponsor the broadcast.  The cost of a weekly sponsorship is $35, or you can just give any amount to help us pay for the broadcast.  It will be our intent to acknowledge the sponsor each week at the conclusion of the broadcast, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.  To check and find out if the Sunday you’d like to sponsor is available, please call the church office and talk to Tiffany (641-774-4875).