The Week of July 21 at CTS & FLC

Unexpected and Intentional Distraction
As digital tablets and smart phones keep us busy, today’s gospel reminds us of a struggle: when are we to set aside our busy calendars, duties, and to-do lists and simply rest in God’s presence, listening to what God has to say to us? This tension mounts in our gospel as Jesus addresses Martha’s busyness, worry, and distraction, juxtaposed with Mary’s contemplation, focus, and desire to sit at the feet of the great teacher. But is it even possible to sit quietly in our age of distractions? The reading reminds us how crucial it is to set aside time to spend with God. We might even wonder what did Jesus say as Mary listened. Were they profound words, like to the “mystery” we will hear about in the first reading of the day? Good hymns and songs planned for today too.

SUNDAY:  July 21
Cinnamon Roll Sunday
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
1 pm – Slavic Worship

MONDAY: July 22
PASTOR SALLY WILL BE on vacation out of state from July 22-28.  She will then be in Ohio for continuing education from July 30 – August 3.  In case of an emergency, please call Wendy during office hours (641-774-4875).  After hours, please call Gayle Bortz (641-203-0677).

TUESDAY: July 23
8 am-Noon:  Pie Cutting & Prep in FLC Basement

7 am – 4 pm:  RAGBRAI in town!
Pie Selling on the Chariton Square

9 am – FLC Quilting
7 pm – Slavic Worship

FRIDAY: July 26
Office Closed


Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
1 pm – Slavic Worship