9 am – Chariton Worship
– Sunday School
10 am- Corydon Sunday School
11 am – Corydon Worship
10:30 am – Radio Broadcast on KIIC
Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia
FLC CONFIRMATION CLASS there will be NO class on Wednesday, March 2.
Classes will resume on April 27, 2022
FLC’s ADULT WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY will meet on Wednesday, March 2 at, 9:30 am, at FLC in the Fireside Room. Pastor will be with us to help guide the study. There will be food, videos, discussion, and prayer.
Come, bring your Bible and a friend if you like, and join us on a journey of faith.
Imposition of Ashes
March 2
CORYDON Worship – noon
CHARITON worship – 7 pm
WORSHIP AND MUSIC COMMITTEE will meet on Tuesday, March 1, at 10 am, at FLC in the Library.
Beginning Wednesday, March 9, First Lutheran will host a light supper at 6:00 pm followed by worship at 7 pm. The Lenten Supper sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Fireside Room to volunteer for preparing and serving meals. Our mid-week and “Noisy” offering this year will go to the Circle of Freedom out of Corydon. This ministry helps lead women struggling with life-controlling addictions to freedom in Jesus. Donations help build a secure foundation of sustainability for this ministry.
Lutheran Lakeside Camp is offering a $50 Early Bird Discount if you are registered by February 28. There are brochures in the Fireside Room at First Lutheran that will tell you all about the different types of camps, dates, and the cost. The council has agreed to help with the cost of sending your child(ren) to camp. The parents of the child(ren) will pay the non-refundable registration fee of $100 and then First Lutheran will pay the balance. What an opportunity!! Please let the church office know if you would like help registering you child(ren) for camp!!
THERE ARE LENTEN DEVOTIONALS for both adults and young people in the narthex at First Lutheran and in the basement at Christ the Servant Lutheran. This year’s devotional is entitled “in view of GOD’S MERCY” by David Boyd.
THE COLLECTING OF STAMPS WILL CONTINUE!!! The Southeastern Iowa Synodical Women’s Organization of the Women of the ELCA is continuing its collection of canceled postage stamps as a fundraiser to help Lutheran World Relief pay for shipping quilts and kits to where they’re needed. So our unit is resuming collection in our congregations; we’d sure appreciate your participation; what an easy way to donate to LWR!
The canceled stamps are sold to collectors by an organization in Texas.
Updated information has come to us on which stamps are valued by collectors and which common ones are not. U.S. flag stamps and Christmas stamps have little value so you need not save those; stamps that are ordered online or have a barcode have no value to collectors. But save everything else.
Commemorative stamps are especially VALUABLE so watch for any of those on your mail.
You do not need to save the postmark. Be sure to leave a quarter inch of the envelope all around the stamps when you cut.
A container for the stamps is on the desk in the Fireside Room.
FEBRUARY IS PASTA MONTH for the Ministry Center. Examples would be pasta, processed cheese, boxed macaroni & cheese, sauces, boxed pasta salads, etc. . They are currently in need of ½ gallon milk jugs, canned beans, mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. Thank you!
THE SNOW REMOVAL SIGN-UP SHEET is posted on the bulletin board in the Fireside Room at FLC. Please check your schedule to see when you may be able to help with this ministry!
Ways to listen – every Sunday morning at 10:30 am:
* KIIC Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia
* The radio stations website: kiicradio.com (click on the “Listen Live” button)
* If you miss the broadcast on Sunday, you can also catch it as a podcast on the church’s website: firstlutheran-christtheservant.org
THANK YOU for your support of this ministry!!
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPONSER A WEEKLY BROADCAST for any occasion, an anniversary, a birthday, in memory or honor of someone, or some other reason, we invite you to consider giving a gift to sponsor the broadcast. The cost of a weekly sponsorship is $35, or you can just give any amount to help us pay for the broadcast. It will be our intent to acknowledge the sponsor each week at the conclusion of the broadcast, unless you prefer to remain anonymous. To check and find out if the Sunday you’d like to sponsor is available, please call the church office and talk to Tiffany