The Week of February 2 at CTS & FLC

9 am – Worship  & Sunday School at Chariton
10:30 am – Radio Broadcast on KIIC Radio – 96.7 FM Albia
11:00 am – Worship at Corydon
FLC WORSHIP & MUSIC COMMITTEE will meet on Tuesday, February 4 at 10 am.

ADULT BIBLE STUDY will meet on Wednesday, February 5, at 10 am at First Lutheran.  

ADULT BIBLE STUDY!Adult bible study will be on Wednesday, February 5 at 10 am in the Fireside Room at First Lutheran.  The study will be on the book “Created to Dream” by Rick Warren pages 19-37.  Everyone is welcome to attend for the study and fellowship.  The coffee pot will be on!

MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTSYou are invited to Alpha Youth Group at First Lutheran which will be held from 2-3 pm on the first Wednesday of each month through May and September through December.  Snacks and beverages will be provided.  The February gathering will be on Wednesday, February 19 due to conflicts on February 5 & 12.  Please bring your friends—everyone is welcome!

SUNDAY SCHOOLSunday School meets during the worship service at First Lutheran.  Sunday school will be held in the basement in the first classroom on the right.

 NOISY OFFERINGS!!Please consider bringing your loose change to church on Sundays and “noisily” depositing it in the pot! Offerings December through March at First Lutheran will go to Salvation Army-Heating Assistance.  Offerings December through August at Christ the Servant will go to Wayne School needs.

FEBRUARY IS PASTA MONTH for the Ministry Center.  Examples would be pasta, processed cheese, boxed macaroni & cheese, sauces, boxed pasta salads, etc. Thank you!   Please consider helping with this ministry!
If you would like to volunteer at the Ministry Center the days and hours are listed below. 
Ministry Center hours:
Open M/W/F 9:30-11:30 am
410 S. 7th St.—774-8146

Salvation Army Assistance available during open hours.  Don’t forget the blessing boxes found around town can use donations, too!!
February 2 sponsor:
Laura Wilson for the children in their faith journey

NOW TAKING RADIO SPONSORS FOR 2025! The entire months of January, February, and August are filled and a few random Sundays.    Please call the church office if you would like to sponsor (641-774-4875)!  With two members in care facilities, the broadcast brings our worship to those, plus we have listeners all across southern Iowa.  Sponsorships are $35.  THE RADIO BROADCAST OF PASTOR HUTTON’S SERMONS ARE AN ONGOING MINISTRY OF FIRST LUTHERAN and CHRIST THE SERVANT
Ways to listen – every Sunday morning at 10:30 am:
*  KIIC Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia
*  The radio stations website: 
(click on the “Listen Live” button)
*  If you miss the broadcast on Sunday, you can also catch it as a podcast on the church’s website: