God’s use of Verbs
Through the lens of the gospel, today’s readings tell us what God is doing. What is God doing? God is reaching out to the bound-up to proclaim release from captivity. God is lifting up the oppressed. God is satisfying the needs of the afflicted. God raisesup foundations. God restores and rebuilds, reconciles and sets free. God, whose word can shake the very foundations of the earth, speaks a better word than we’ve ever heard, or that we could ever speak.
And, why is the prophet so confident that light will conquer darkness and needs will be satisfied? Because this is already God’s work, or as the prophet says, because “the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
These readings will help us to focus on the verbs, the actions, of God. They might make it easier to see and give witness to God’s work and all the verbs around us right now.
SUNDAY: August 25
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
1 pm – Slavic Worship
2 pm – Homestead Service
3 pm – Chariton Specialty Care Service
Pastor Mark Mattes will be filling the pulpit on Sunday, August 25, at Chariton and Corydon, while Pastor Sally is on vacation.
PASTOR SALLY WILL BE on vacation out of state from AUGUST 25-31. In case of an emergency, please call Wendy during office hours (641-774-4875). After hours, please call Gayle Bortz (641-203-0677).
MONDAY: August 26
TUESDAY: August 27
WEDNESDAY: August 28
THURSDAY: August 29
7 pm – Slavic Worship
FRIDAY: August 30
Office Closed
SATURDAY: August 31
NEXT SUNDAY: September 1
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
1 pm – Slavic Worship
Pastor David Aanonson will be filling the pulpit on Sunday, September 1, at Chariton and Corydon.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
9 am – Coffee and Conversation
10 am – Worship with
Bishop Michael Burk
Joint Service for CTS & FLC
11:30 am – Lunch
Please RSVP for the lunch by September 8. A sign-up form will be passed during all worship services prior to the celebration, or you can call or email the church office. (641-774-4875 or flcchariton@iowatelecom.net)
Please come and celebrate with us!