Trusting God’s Kingdom
“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8).” Want to know how your pastor actually ended up in your faith community? It’s a long story, but a short sermon.
We gather around the Gospel each Sunday even when the sermon is based on another reading. In today’s reading from Luke, Jesus promises the kingdom to us, his little flock, straining our minds with this uninhibited generosity. Even to us, so little and undeserving? Even to us, in the face of so many things to be afraid of? Suddenly everything we hold dear in this world is repriced, and the true value of things becomes plainly clear. In Christ, God has freely given us the kingdom.
So, why not sell our possessions and give to those in need?
SUNDAY: August 11
9 am – First, Chariton
10 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
CTS will be worshiping at the Ecumenical
Worship Service for Old Settler’s Day on
the Corydon square.
There will not be a worship service
at the Corydon church building
on this day.
10:15 am – Executive Committee at FLC
1 pm – Slavic Worship
6 pm – Lutheran Adult Fellowship
MONDAY: August 12
2 pm – Laplanders Quilt Guild at CTS
6:30 pm – Council at FLC
TUESDAY: August 13
8 am – Breakfast Gals
9 am-3 pm: Blanket Making at CTS
5 pm – Lucas Co. “Back to School” Night
at Carpenter’s Hall
WEDNESDAY: August 14
THURSDAY: August 15
9 am – FLC Quilting
7 pm – Slavic Worship
FRIDAY: August 16
9 – 11 am – CCC at CTS
Office Closed
Newsletter Deadline
SATURDAY: August 17
NEXT SUNDAY: August 18
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
1 pm – Slavic Worship
The services on August 18 will be held
outside on the church grounds at each location.
You might want to bring your lawn chairs!
* At First Lutheran, worship will be followed by brunch. Please bring a main course or side dish to share (see note below regarding pie.)
* At Christ the Servant, worship will be followed by refreshments and a time of fellowship as usual.
THERE WERE 84 PIECES OF PIE LEFTOVER AND FROZEN FROM THE RAGBRAI PROJECT. We will enjoy it as a congregation at First Lutheran on Sunday, August 18, at the brunch following our outdoor worship service. Please consider bringing a main course or side dishes instead of desserts.