9 am – Chariton Worship
11 am – Corydon Worship
10:30 am – Radio Broadcast on KIIC
Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia
YOU ARE INVITED TO AN OPEN HOUSE to honor the retirement of Wendy Blue for her 30 years of serving as Office Manager!
Sunday August 1, 2021
2-4 p.m.
First Lutheran Church Fireside Room
PASTOR DICK WILL BE ON VACATION AUGUST 4-9. In case of an emergency, please call President, Gayle Bortz, at 641-203-0677.
WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY CONTINUES ON WEDNESDAY, August 4, 9 am, at FLC. Pastor will be with us to help guide the study. Coffee will be available. Bring your Bibles. The sessions will be for 1 hour.
BREAKFAST GALS will meet in the Fireside Room at FLC, beginning at 8 am, on Tuesday, August 10.
“SHARING THE WEIGHT” BLANKET MAKING at CTS will take place from 9 am – 3 pm on Tuesday, August 10.
THE WOMEN OF THE ELCA will gather at 1 pm, on Thursday, August 12, at the home of Miriam Hibbs.
LUTHERAN ADULT FELLOWSHIP (LAF) will get together at 6 pm in the Fireside Room on Sunday, August 15. Please bring a food item to share. Your hosts will be Lonna Wantland and Marleen Oxenreider.
LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL BAGS: We will be filling school bags at FLC on “God’s Work, Our Hands” Day in September. If anyone wants to contribute, there will be a list of items needed in the Narthex. There will be a box in the Narthex to leave your items. If you wish to contribute money for shipping, please make your check out to First Lutheran or bring your money into the church office. If writing a check, please mark clearly in the memo that it is for LWR shipping. If you have questions, please contact Jean Heston or LuAnn Mosbach.
CTS WILL ALSO BE COLLECTING ITEMS for school bag kits and items to finish the health care kits that were started in the spring. Please see the list of items needed on the table in the basement if you are interested in helping. If you have questions, please see Cindy Thiel.
AUGUST IS MEAL IN A BOX MONTH at the Ministries Center. Examples would be Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, and Complete Meals. They can always use paper towels and toilet tissue. Thank you!
CANCELLED STAMP UPDATE: Cancelled Stamps will continue to be collected until September. There is a container located on the desk in the Fireside Room where you can place your stamps. Thank you for your help with this project! We have been doing very well!
THE LAWN MOWING SCHEDULE HAS BEEN POSTED on the bulletin board in the Fireside Room at FLC! Please check your schedules to see when you might be able to help with this important ministry.
Ways to listen – every Sunday morning at 10:30 am:
* KIIC Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia
* The radio stations website: kiicradio.com (click on the “Listen Live” button)
* If you miss the broadcast on Sunday, you can also catch it as a podcast on the church’s website: firstlutheran-christtheservant.org
THANK YOU for your support of this ministry!!
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPONSER A WEEKLY BROADCAST for any occasion, an anniversary, a birthday, in memory or honor of someone, or some other reason, we invite you to consider giving a gift to sponsor the broadcast. The cost of a weekly sponsorship is $35, or you can just give any amount to help us pay for the broadcast. It will be our intent to acknowledge the sponsor each week at the conclusion of the broadcast, unless you prefer to remain anonymous. To check and find out if the Sunday you’d like to sponsor is available, please call the church office and talk to Wendy