The Week of July 28 at CTS & FLC
Our Persistent, Negotiating Prayer Life
Today’s readings incorporate several themes: negotiation, commands, persistence, and expectation. And surrounding all these themes is a bigger theme: boldness. The disciples speak with boldness. They don’t ask Jesus to teach them how to pray, they tell him to teach them how to pray. The theme continues as persistence is encouraged, even to the extent of being able to ask, search, and knock, knowing that the Lord says we will receive what we ask for. And God wants to give to those who ask God. We are to ask in boldness, which comes from being “rooted and built up in [Christ]” (Col. 2:7). Strengthened by the Lord’s supper, we are filled with God’s Spirit to speak boldly and to be persistent in our prayers, and to be ready to receive the things for which we ask. The question becomes, then, what is it we want and need?
SUNDAY: July 28
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
1 pm – Slavic Worship
MONDAY: July 29
PASTOR SALLY WILL BE on vacation out of state through July 28. She will then be in Ohio for continuing education from July 30 – August 3. In case of an emergency, please call Wendy during office hours (641-774-4875). After hours, please call Gayle Bortz (641-203-0677).
TUESDAY: July 30
THURSDAY: August 1
7 pm – Slavic Worship
FRIDAY: August 2
Office Closed
SATURDAY: August 3
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
1 pm – Slavic Worship